NEW! Blue Ridge Harmony Mixed Chorus

We are forming a new Mixed Chorus in Asheville!

We're planning a kick-off event to celebrate and introduct ourselves! Dates TBD.

For more information, please contact Charlie Marth at

This will be an opportunity to work with a skilled musical clinician (the talented Kati Swinney) and learn
more about a unique vocal style. If you have experience singing, but are unfamiliar with singing mixed
barbershop or you simply enjoy singing harmony with other harmony-singing enthusiasts, this is the
perfect introduction for you.

You will experience the joy of mixed barbershop harmony (SATB) by learning a song with other singers in a free
4-hour workshop. Learn about the four voice parts that make up mixed barbershop harmony and what
voice part is most suited for your vocal range.

Copyright © 2024 The Land of the Sky Chorus